Monday 5 February 2018

Shoulder surgeon in Delhi | Shoulder surgeon in India @ drrakeshortho

If you have been having trouble with your shoulder, you need to have it looked at so you can find out what is wrong with it. Sometimes it may take more than undergoing therapy and taking painkillers to decrease the amount of discomfort you have been feeling. If you are looking for a way to get more relief and increase your range of motion, you may want to learn more about your options with a Shoulder surgeon in India and Shoulder surgeon in Delhi.

It isn't easy trying to cope with pain that results in a decreased range of motion. A lot of times, shoulder injuries are caused from everyday stresses and activities. This doesn't mean that you can't do some of your most enjoyable activities such as playing sports or activities, it just means that if you start to feel some discomforts and are having trouble using your shoulder, you need to consult with a shoulder surgeon about what treatments are best for you. Best shoulder specialist in faridabad.

Once you have made the decision to see a Shoulder replacement surgery in Faridabad for treatment, there are some things you can do to help ease your recovery after your procedure. The time for recovery after a shoulder surgery can vary, but it does take a bit of time for everything to get back to normal. Everyone's body responds differently to surgeries and operations and in order to give your body a fighting chance, you are going to need to avoid overexerting yourself while you are recovering.

During the beginning stages of your recovery period, you will need to wear a sling to minimize the amount of movement. This is the time period where your muscles need time to heal and rejuvenate from your operation. You will not be able to move your arm unless you are under the care and supervision of a physical therapist. This can last for up to two months after your surgery.

After you the two-month period after your surgery has ended, your therapist will assign you some exercises that are designed to help you regain movement and control of your arm and shoulder. Your sling will be removed and the therapy movements that you will be doing will involve minimal low impact strengthening and conditioning exercises.

Approximately three months after your procedure, if you have been diligently practicing and exercising as you have been instructed to, you will start to notice that you are able many activities and exercises that involve you lifting up to ten pounds. Depending on your personal progress, you may need to lift less to avoid stressing your shoulder and causing a relapse and delay in your recovery.

As you can see, the amount of time it takes for an average person to recover from shoulder surgery can take up to a year. Six months from the date of your surgery, you should be able to use your arm and shoulder at least 75% to 80% of what you were able to do before you needed treatment. You can find Shoulder surgeon in Delhi.

If you are looking for a Shoulder surgeon in India has a skilled professional. To get more information about specific procedures, Read More:

Shoulder surgeon in Delhi @ drrakeshortho

Are you suffering from some kind of shoulder related injury? If so, there are options that are available to you. Instead of trying to live your life in pain and ignore the problem, why not seek out the expertise of a Shoulder surgeon in Delhi? Ignoring the issue will not help your life. It's the most flexible and mobile joint in your body, so you'll be amazed how much you cannot accomplish when it isn't working at one hundred percent. When it works properly, the movements allow you to accomplish day-to-day activities at ease. No matter the specific cause of your physical issues, there are specialists that can diagnose the problem and recommend reasonable treatment. Here are some of the injuries that these specialists are trained to treat. reverse shoulder replacement surgery | how long does a shoulder replacement last | shoulder replacement surgery pictures | shoulder replacement surgery video | shoulder replacement problems | shoulder replacement rehab | shoulder replacement success rate | best arthroscopist in india | best arthroscopic surgeon in delhi | cost of shoulder arthroscopy in india | cost of arthroscopic knee surgery in mumbai | best arthroscopic shoulder surgeon in india | best doctor for ligament tear in india | best arthroscopic surgeon in mumbai | arthroscopic knee surgery cost in bangalore | arthroscopy knee surgery | arthroscopy recovery time | arthroscopy video | arthroscopy shoulder | arthroscopic meniscectomy | arthroscopy hip | arthroscopy tmj | arthroscopy ankle | Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad | SHOULDER SURGEON IN DELHI | SHOULDER SURGEON IN INDIA | ARTHROSCOPIC SURGEON IN INDIA | Shoulder replacement surgery in Faridabad

Rotator Cuff Injuries
You may have heard about this kind of injury because many athletes have suffered rotator cuff injuries from their sports. This isn't limited to athletes, however. Many people suffer this kind of injury due to overuse, repetitive motion, falling, or lifting. The muscles and the tendons eventually break down, causing the injury. A shoulder specialist can check out how extensive the injury is and determine if surgery is necessary. Often, exercises and step-care can help get your body back to its normal strength. Best shoulder specialist in faridabad.


For many people at an advanced age, their bones start to ache more often. Arthritis is a common side effect of the body breaking down due to normal aging. Arthritis can also plague younger people as well. Either way, a Shoulder surgeon in Delhi can identify the source of the problem and give some recommendations for what medications you can take and physical steps you can undergo to get your body in a condition that will be less painful. Not acknowledging your condition can make your life harder to live.
Joint Replacement
For many people, their joints break down and stop functioning as normal. For those who need replacements, a Shoulder surgeon in India can determine what artificial means can be used to get your body working again like now. It makes sense to talk to a specialist who is up on the latest surgery technology and knows what it takes to get you back in peak condition. You want to make sure to get in touch with somebody who is experienced with these types of surgeries and has had history of proper joint replacements. Ask the doctor for past references in you're unsure of their qualifications.

As you can see, regardless of the kind of injury that is plaguing your life, there is a Shoulder surgeon in India who is ready to treat your condition. Make sure you pick up the phone and find a local specialist. Stop trying to deal with the pain and instead get it checked out by somebody who is experienced with offering solution. You'll be amazed at the increase of the quality of your life by taking the problem head on instead of trying to manage your poor physical condition.

Arthroscopic Surgeon in India @ drrakeshortho

Arthroscopy is a procedure that our Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad use to inspect, diagnose, and repair problems inside a joint. During arthroscopic shoulder surgery, the surgeon will insert a tiny camera, called an arthroscope, into your shoulder joint area. This small video camera projects images onto a TV screen so the surgeon can guide miniature surgical instruments to repair damage inside the joint.

Arthroscopic Surgery common procedure has been performed thousands of times since the 1970s and it has made the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of shoulder surgery easier and faster. What's more, this results in less pain for you, the patient, and shortens the length of time it takes for you to recover.

When is Shoulder Arthroscopy Recommended?

If your condition is not responding to nonsurgical treatment, your Arthroscopic Surgeon in Faridabad may recommend arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Some causes of shoulder discomfort include inflammation that leads to pain, stiffness, and swelling; injury; overuse; and age-related wear-and-tear. Some of the most common shoulder arthroscopic procedures include:

Repair of ligaments
Rotator cuff repair
Removal or repair of the labrum
Bone spur removal
Removal of inflamed tissue or loose cartilage
Repair for recurrent shoulder dislocation

What Happens during the Arthroscopic Surgical Procedure?

Your Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad will perform this procedure in an operating room or day-surgery room. Once you are there, he will position you so it is easy for him to adjust the arthroscope to have a good look inside the shoulder joint. The most common positions are the beach chair position (you semi-seated in a reclining position) and the lateral decubitus position (you lying on your side). The surgeon and his team remove all hair from the site and then spread an antiseptic solution on your skin to clean it. The shoulder will be draped with sterile pads and your arm will be in a holding device to keep it still and in place. arthroscopy knee surgery | arthroscopy recovery time | arthroscopy shoulder | arthroscopy video | arthroscopic meniscectomy | arthroscopy hip | arthroscopy medical definition | arthroscopy tmj | Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad | Arthroscopic Surgeon in India .

To inflate and clean out the joint area, the surgeon will inject fluid into your shoulder. This makes it easier for him to see the structures. He will them make a small buttonhole incision to insert the arthroscope. Once your Arthroscopic Surgeon in India clearly identifies the problem, he will use small instruments to repair it. These specialized instruments are for tasks such as cutting, grasping, shaving, suturing, and tying. The Arthroscopic Surgeon in India will close these incisions when he is finished using stitches or small Band-Aid like structures called Steri-Strips. Then the surgical site will be covered with a soft, large bandage.

What Should I Expect after Shoulder Arthroscopy?

In most instances, you will be able to return home on the day of your surgery. You will need someone to drive you home, especially if general anesthesia was used. For some patients, the Arthroscopic Surgeon in India requires an overnight hospital stay. Here are some of the things you will need to know following your arthroscopic procedure:

Shoulder Immobility: The amount you are allowed to move your shoulder will all depend on what was done during surgery. Your doctor will give you instructions related to this and be sure you follow them closely. Your shoulder will be held in a sling, a swath, or a brace following the procedure.

Incision Care: The small incisions should be kept clean and dry. Dressings are usually light and kept on for a few days. Sometimes, the dressing will drain during the first 24 hours but it usually stops. Call your Arthroscopic Surgeon in India  if the dressing is saturated with blood and the bleeding does not stop.

Ice: Most of our Arthroscopic Surgeon in India recommends that ice be used to the shoulder to control your pain and the swelling. Excessive swelling is not common and should be reported to your doctor. Use the ice for at least 20 minutes around three or four times each day. Do not place the ice directly on the skin but rather use a towel or soft cloth place between your skin and the ice bag.

Medications: There will be some medications prescribed for pain, usually in pill form. Your Arthroscopic Surgeon in India will control your pain as he sees necessary.

Dr. Rakeshortho works through Arthroscopic Surgeon in India of Seattle to provide orthopedic care and treatment to the Seattle area, including minimally invasive procedures. Visit his website to learn more.

Friday 26 January 2018

Arthroscopic Surgeon in India @ Dr.Rakeshortho

Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery

Arthroscopy is a procedure that our orthopedic specialists use to inspect, diagnose, and repair problems inside a joint. During arthroscopic shoulder surgery, the surgeon will insert a tiny camera, called an arthroscopic, into your shoulder joint area. This small video camera projects images onto a TV screen so the surgeon can guide miniature surgical instruments to repair damage inside the joint.
This common procedure has been performed thousands of times since the 1970s and it has made the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of shoulder surgery easier and faster. What's more, this results in less pain for you, the patient, and shortens the length of time it takes for you to recover.

When is Shoulder Arthroscopy Recommended?
If your condition is not responding to nonsurgical treatment, your orthopedic specialist may recommend arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Some causes of shoulder discomfort include inflammation that leads to pain, stiffness, and swelling; injury; overuse; and age-related wear-and-tear. Some of the most common shoulder arthroscopic procedures include:

·        Repair of ligaments
·        Rotator cuff repair
·        Removal or repair of the labrum
·        Bone spur removal
·        Removal of inflamed tissue or loose cartilage
·        Repair for recurrent shoulder dislocation

What Happens during the Arthroscopic Surgical Procedure?

Your Arthroscopic Surgeon in Faridabad will perform this procedure in an operating room or day-surgery room. Once you are there, he will position you so it is easy for him to adjust the arthroscopic to have a good look inside the shoulder joint. The most common positions are the beach chair position (you semi-seated in a reclining position) and the lateral decubitus position (you lying on your side). The Shoulder surgeon in Delhi and his team remove all hair from the site and then spread an antiseptic solution on your skin to clean it. The shoulder will be draped with sterile pads and your arm will be in a holding device to keep it still and in place.

To inflate and clean out the joint area, the surgeon will inject fluid into your shoulder. This makes it easier for him to see the structures. He will them make a small buttonhole incision to insert the arthroscopic. Once your Arthroscopic Surgeon in India clearly identifies the problem, he will use small instruments to repair it. These specialized instruments are for tasks such as cutting, grasping, shaving, suturing, and tying. The Shoulder surgeon in Delhi will close these incisions when he is finished using stitches or small Band-Aid like structures called Steris-Strips. Then the surgical site will be covered with a soft, large bandage.

What Should I Expect after Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Shoulder Immobility: The amount you are allowed to move your shoulder will all depend on what was done during surgery. Your doctor will give you instructions related to this and be sure you follow them closely. Your shoulder will be held in a sling, a swath, or a brace following the procedure.

Incision Care: The small incisions should be kept clean and dry. Dressings are usually light and kept on for a few days. Sometimes, the dressing will drain during the first 24 hours but it usually stops. Call your orthopedic specialist if the dressing is saturated with blood and the bleeding does not stop.

Ice: Most of our Arthroscopic Surgeon in India recommends that ice be used to the shoulder to control your pain and the swelling. Excessive swelling is not common and should be reported to your doctor. Use the ice for at least 20 minutes around three or four times each day. Do not place the ice directly on the skin but rather use a towel or soft cloth place between your skin and the ice bag.

Medications: There will be some medications prescribed for pain, usually in pill form. Your Shoulder replacement surgery in Faridabad will control your pain as he sees necessary.

Dr. Rakeshortho works through Arthroscopic Surgeon in Faridabad of Seattle to provide orthopedic care and treatment to the Seattle area, including minimally invasive procedures. It Frozen shoulder treatment in Delhi Visit his website to learn more. reverse shoulder replacement surgery | how long does a shoulder replacement last | shoulder replacement surgery pictures | shoulder replacement surgery video | shoulder replacement problems | shoulder replacement rehab | shoulder replacement success rate | best arthroscopist in india | best arthroscopic surgeon in delhi | cost of shoulder arthroscopy in india | cost of arthroscopic knee surgery in mumbai | best arthroscopic shoulder surgeon in india | best doctor for ligament tear in india | best arthroscopic surgeon in mumbai | arthroscopic knee surgery cost in bangalore | arthroscopy knee surgery | arthroscopy recovery time | arthroscopy video | arthroscopy shoulder | arthroscopic meniscectomy | arthroscopy hip | arthroscopy tmj | arthroscopy ankle

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Laparoscopy Surgeon in Faridabad @

We as a society are faced with an ever-growing health issue, this is chronic obesity. This condition is recognized by the National Institutes of Health as a health issue which is treatable by surgery. One of the best surgeries that are available is the Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. However, a great number of would be patients do not know exactly what the procedure involves. Best laparoscopic surgeon in Faridabad

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1- The laparoscopy doctor in Faridabad gastric bypass surgery is, by far, the most commonly performed surgery in America today. Many in the bariatric industry have even called it the Gold standard. The reason for this is because this surgery combines a restrictive surgery with a malabsorption procedure, the result is quicker weight loss with less risk of vitamin deficiencies.

2- The laparoscopy Surgeon in Faridabad bypass surgery is performed by making a small pouch from the top section of the existing stomach. The rest of the stomach is then stapled shut, it is not removed from the body, but it is no longer used either (this is the restrictive portion of the surgery). The pouch holds approximately a quarter of volume as the complete stomach did; this is one of the ways weight loss is achieved.

3- When the smaller pouch stomach is created, it is directly connected to the middle portion of the small intestine. By doing this, the digestive process moves past, the point where calories are absorbed (the malabsorption part of the procedure). With the calorie absorption severely limited, the weight loss method is completed. However, the part of the small intestine that is bypassed to stop calorie absorption is also the part that absorbs need nutrients such as vitamin B12 and calcium. If these deficiencies become too much of an issue, supplements will be prescribed.  best hospital for laparoscopy in delhi | laparoscopic surgery cost in delhi | best laparoscopic surgeon in ncr | best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in india | laparoscopic surgeon in max hospital | laparoscopic surgeon in gurgaon | best gallbladder surgeon in gurgaon | best laparoscopic surgeon in gurgaon | best hernia surgeon in gurgaon

4- The weight loss that many patients experience can be as much as one to two pounds a week. While this is the intended outcome of the surgery, laparoscopy Surgeon in Faridabad. it may surprise a great many of the patients who experience this amount of weight loss. Many times, another surgery must be performed to remove the excess skin that is left over from the weight loss.

5- There are risks involved with the best Laparoscopic surgeon in Faridabad bypass surgery, while they generally are not major, you should still seek the advice and knowledge of your surgeon before you decide if this procedure is right for you and your personal situation. These risks can include death, vomiting, diarrhea, repeat surgeries and infection. laparoscopic surgeon in delhi | best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in delhi | laparoscopy Surgeon in faridabad | laparoscopy doctor in faridabad | best laparoscopic surgeon in faridabad | best laparoscopic surgeon india new delhi, delhi | top laparoscopic surgeon in delhi

John Mancini has been writing about Gastric Bypass online and offline for a long time. Visit to read more about matters like gastric bypass surgery and laparoscopic gastric bypass. It is best laparoscopic surgeon in Faridabad.

Friday 12 January 2018

knee surgeon in Faridabad @ Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Whether you have been significantly overweight for some time, dealing with the normal wear and tear that comes as your body ages, or if you are dealing with arthritis your knee deals with pressure every day. If your knee is painful when you’re performing your daily activities, see your doctor as he may suggest that you have knee replacement surgery and may recommend you to a reputable knee surgeon in Faridabad.

When you are having knee replacement surgery performed you will be put to sleep and the joint that is causing pain is removed and a new joint, often made of porcelain, metal, or plastic, is placed into the joint. It is then attached to the surrounding tissue to reform the entire knee so that it is useable again.

There have been some advances in recent years in the field of knee replacement surgery. One of these is a minimally invasive surgery that uses techniques that are specific to the area of practice and allows the surgery to be performed through a smaller incision, which makes for less damage to the tissues. These later results in both less pain and recovery time during the recovery process. There are a few knee surgeons in Faridabad who are performing this type as it is still fairly new. knee surgeon in faridabad | orthopedic doctor in nit faridabad | orthopedic doctor in metro hospital faridabad | orthopedic doctor in faridabad sector 16 | orthopedic doctor in sector 37 faridabad | dr sv gupta faridabad | dr k c gupta faridabad | prime hospital & ortho centre faridabad, haryana | handa medical centre faridabad, haryana | knee surgeon in delhi | top 10 knee replacement surgeons in india

When the knee surgeon in Faridabad is complete with your surgery, you should expect to stay in the hospital for three to five days. If a surgery is successful, you should expect to see vast improvement in movement and reduced pain, but should not be completed until a couple of months have passed. You will be moving around the very next day, but you will be using crutches or a walker to move around until your knee is strong enough for you to walk around by it. You will need to experience physical therapy for several weeks or until full and regular movement is restored.

Knee replacement surgery is considered to be safe as it has been done for many years. However, as with any other surgery, there are some risks. Because movement will be difficult at first, there is a possibility of blood clots forming so you will be taking medications that are intended to keep the blood a little thinner, making it harder for clots to form. It is also possible that there will be bleeding and infection and the risks that are possible any time that you are not put under general anesthetic. best knee surgeon in Faridabadbest knee replacement surgeon in ncr | orthopedic doctors in raj nagar ghaziabad | k k mittal ghaziabad | dr sharad gupta ghaziabad uttar pradesh | dr. vipin tyagi | orthopaedics ghaziabad, uttar pradesh | orthopedic doctor in vasundhara ghaziabad | orthopedic doctor in crossing republik | knee replacement surgery cost in delhi | best knee replacement hospital in delhi | best hospital for knee replacement surgery | orthopedic surgeon in ghaziabad | top 10 orthopedic surgeons in delhi | best knee replacement surgeon in gurgaon | orthopedic surgeon in noida | orthopedic surgeon in gurgaon

Your new joint should last several years depending on what type of joint you have put in. Your knee surgeon in Faridabad can help you figure out what type works best for your particular situation.

Need to find a knee surgeon in Faridabad? Find more information here:

Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad & arthroscopic surgeon in india @ Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Arthroscopy is a procedure that our Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad use to inspect, diagnose, and repair problems inside a joint. During arthroscopic shoulder surgery, the Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad will insert a tiny camera, called an arthroscope, into your shoulder joint area. This small video camera projects images onto a TV screen so the Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad can guide miniature surgical instruments to repair damage inside the joint.

This common procedure has been performed thousands of times since the 1970s and it has made the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of shoulder surgery easier and faster. What's more, this results in less pain for you, the patient, and shortens the length of time it takes for you to recover.

When is Shoulder Arthroscopy Recommended?

If your condition is not responding to nonsurgical treatment, your orthopedic specialist may recommend arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Some causes of shoulder discomfort include inflammation that leads to pain, stiffness, and swelling; injury; overuse; and age-related wear-and-tear. Some of the most common shoulder arthroscopic procedures include:

Repair of ligaments
Rotator cuff repair
Removal or repair of the labrum
Bone spur removal
Removal of inflamed tissue or loose cartilage
Repair for recurrent shoulder dislocation

What Happens during the Arthroscopic Surgical Procedure?

Your Arthroscopic Surgeon infaridabad will perform this procedure in an operating room or day-surgery room. Once you are there, he will position you so it is easy for him to adjust the arthroscope to have a good look inside the shoulder joint. The most common positions are the beach chair position (you semi-seated in a reclining position) and the lateral decubitus position (you lying on your side). The Arthroscopic Surgeon in faridabad and his team remove all hair from the site and then spread an antiseptic solution on your skin to clean it. The shoulder will be draped with sterile pads and your arm will be in a holding device to keep it still and in place.

To inflate and clean out the joint area, the arthroscopic surgeon in india will inject fluid into your shoulder. This makes it easier for him to see the structures. He will them make a small buttonhole incision to insert the arthroscope. Once your arthroscopic surgeon in india clearly identifies the problem, he will use small instruments to repair it. These specialized instruments are for tasks such as cutting, grasping, shaving, suturing, and tying. The arthroscopic surgeon in india will close these incisions when he is finished using stitches or small Band-Aid like structures called Steri-Strips. Then the surgical site will be covered with a soft, large bandage.

What Should I Expect after Shoulder Arthroscopy?

In most instances, you will be able to return home on the day of your surgery. You will need someone to drive you home, especially if general anesthesia was used. For some patients, the arthroscopic surgeon in india requires an overnight hospital stay. Here are some of the things you will need to know following your arthroscopic procedure:

Shoulder Immobility: The amount you are allowed to move your shoulder will all depend on what was done during surgery. Your doctor will give you instructions related to this and be sure you follow them closely. Your shoulder will be held in a sling, a swath, or a brace following the procedure.

Incision Care: The small incisions should be kept clean and dry. Dressings are usually light and kept on for a few days. Sometimes, the dressing will drain during the first 24 hours but it usually stops. Call your arthroscopic surgeon in india if the dressing is saturated with blood and the bleeding does not stop.

Ice: Most of our arthroscopic surgeon in india recommend that ice be used to the shoulder to control your pain and the swelling. Excessive swelling is not common and should be reported to your doctor. Use the ice for at least 20 minutes around three or four times each day. Do not place the ice directly on the skin but rather use a towel or soft cloth place between your skin and the ice bag.

Medications: There will be some medications prescribed for pain, usually in pill form. Your orthopedic specialist will control your pain as he sees necessary.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar works through arthroscopic surgeon in india of Seattle to provide orthopedic care and treatment to the Seattle area, including minimally invasive procedures. Visit his website to learn more.